
World premiere of Philip Glass' opera Circus Days and Nights

Världspremiär av Philip Glass opera Circus Days and Nights!

Malmö Opera and Cirkus Cirkör present the new opera Circus Days and Nights by composer Philip Glass, based on the collection of poems by American poet Robert Lax. Libretto by Tilde Björfors, the artistic director of Cirkus Cirkör, and David Henry Hwang. 

The opera is a co-production by Cirkus Cirkör and Malmö Opera. The world premiere takes place at Malmö Opera on May 29 and the premiere will be livestreamed from Malmö Opera's website with further performances until June 13.

Elin Rombo sings the role of Lax F, the poet as a young man, Anton Ljungqvist sings the role of Lax M, the old poet and Susanna Stern appears as Julia Pastrana, a circus artist.
